Missionary Families of Christ
Hong Kong
Bringing Families to Christ
Prayers for My Family
God our Father, source of all our family has and is, help us to follow the example of the family of Your Son, the Holy Family of Nazareth.
May we love one another as they did, and come to share eternal happiness with them in Heaven. Through Christ our Lord.
Who We Are
We are part of the worldwide MFC Community which originated from the Philippines. We were previously named Couples for Christ Foundation for Family and Life (CFC FFL). We renamed to MFC in 2019 to reflect our focus for family and being missionaries.
In Hong Kong, our spiritual adviser is Rev. Fr. Jay Francis Flandez, SVD.
What Do We Do?
We support members
Regular small prayer group meetings
Regular faith and values formation teachings, youth camps, marriage retreats and recollections
First Friday Mass and Assembly
We support the parishes and Chaplaincy of Filipino Migrants (CFM)
Offer the Live Christ Share Christ (LCSC) program
Conduct Faith and Values formation teachings
Our Mission
We are an evangelistic and missionary community committed to become families empowered by the Holy Spirit to renew the face of the earth.
Our Vision
We strive to be God's holy warriors, as we commit to renew the temporal order through our work in defending faith, family and life.
We are a servant to the Church, working to renew her children through every generation and throughout the world, until the Lord returns once again.
Missionary Families of Christ supports all members of the family.
The following MFC sections have their own gatherings, prayer meetings (except the Kids), bible studies, and life and faith formation teachings relevant to their situation.
COUPLES are the core of MFC. As parents they have a big role to raise their families in the Christian faith. Various retreats and teachings help them to know more of their own faith, strengthening marriages, and raising up Christian families.
KIDS is for members from ages 3 to 11. We believe No one is too young to know Christ so we start them young to learn about Christian faith, prayers, and great saints and people in the Bible.
YOUTHS is for members from ages 12 to 22 who are typically still in school. We provide them teachings about faith and teen life challenges, and relationships with their parents.
SINGLES is for single young men and women ages from 22 who are now working. We continue to provide them teachings about faith and single life challenges, and on handling love relationships.
HANDMAIDS is for widows or wives who are physically away from their families. Being in a group with sisters of similar life situation provides a support group that helps ease the pain and loneliness of being away from their families.
SERVANTS is for widowers or husbands who are physically away from their families. Being in group with brothers with similar life situation provides a support group helps ease the pain and loneliness of being away from their families.